The science of the Aviation Engines Department


2 scientific schools are created and work now at Aeroengine department:

  • Operational reliability and durability of aircraft engines (the research supervisor – the Dr.Sci.Tech., prof.. M.S. Kulyk);
  • Internal aerodynamics and characteristics of aircraft gas turbine engines and power plants (the research supervisor – the Dr.Sci.Tech., the prof. Yu.M.Tereshchenko).

Scientific schools  work in such areas as:

–  providing and support of the aircraft airworthiness;

–  reliability and flight safety;

– diagnostics;

– strength and life time of engines;

– gas dynamics.

For carrying out research work the following structures are organized and functioning at the department of aeroengines:

– Research center of information support of aircraft&gas transport equipment operation.

– Laboratory of internal aerodynamics of gas-turbine power plants

RESEARCH WORKS which have been fulfilling at the department since 2014 till 2019


  1. 860-ДБ13. “Method of integrated control of characteristics of aerodynamic surfaces flow for the purpose of resistance and fuel consumption decreasing”. Research supervisor Kulyk M. S., executive researcher Skvar E.O. 2013-2015.
  2. 944-ДБ14. “Methodology of secondary currents control in elements of gas turbine engine flow path”. Research supervisor Kulyk M. S., executive researcher Kinashchuk І. F. 2014-2016.
  3. 946-ДБ14. Methodical and software support of gas compress aggregates diagnosing with methods of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence use. Research supervisor Tereshchenko Yu. M., executive researcher Yakushenko O.S.2014-2016.
  4. 07.01.03 Development and research of gas turbine engines efficiency improvement methods by application of slot-hole blade rows in the axial compressor. 2015.
  5. 124-ДБ17 Methodology of complex diagnosing of gas compress aggregates by methods of images recognition and genetic algorithms”. Research supervisor Kulyk. M.S. 2017-2019 of.
  6. 54/10 0204 “Investigation of methane tanks perspectives of use them at private households and small farms in Ukraine”. 2015 – 2016. Research supervisor Karpenko V.І., executive researcher Kozlov V. V.
  7. 1055-ДБ16 Obtaining and use of highly effective ecologically safe components of aviation mixture fuels “. Research supervisor: prof. Boychenko S. V., executive researcher Kozlov V. V. Improvement of parameters and characteristics of aviation gas turbine engine by improvement of termo&gaz dynamic processes in elements of gas turbine engines. 2014 – 2017. Research supervisor Tereshchenko Yu. M. executive researcher Grekov P. І.



134-Х17 Definition of resource characteristics of the screen EVP-8-RZ exhaust unit. Research supervisor Kulyk. M.C., executive researcher Kinashchuk І. F. 2017.


INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION with the higher educational institutions

For the last years the department has actively been participating  in the general international projects with such foreign firms and scientific&educational institutions as:

– Pucallpa Private university, Peru. Biogas generator project.

-The Lyon  High school and Snecma Moteurs engine manufacturer, France. Exchange of postgraduate students, joint  seminars are carried out, joint articles are prepared and published;

– Academy of Aviation, Azerbaijan. Interchange of the last research developments, preparation of the joint articles and joint participation in conferences.


– State aviation administration of the Ukraine;

– Ukrtransgaz;

– Antonov company;

– Motor – Sich, Zaporozhye;

– Zaporozhye machine-building design bureau Progress state enterprise named after academician A.G.Ivchenko;

– Institute of engineering thermophysics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;

– Institute of Hydromechanics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;

– Institute of Gas, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;

– Central Research institute of Armament & Military Equipment;

– Air Force Scientific center;

– “EPKAP” of UKRAVAREMONT corporation.


For the last years several patents and copyright documents have been received. Some of them are particularly noteworthy

ТГВД із зовнішнім ротором. Патент на корисну модель № 103512, 25.12.2015, МПК (2015.01):F02C 3/00; F02C 7/00. Опубл. 25.12.2015, Бюл.№24, -4с. Кулик М.С, Антонов В.К.

Пристрій формування регульованого потоку газу. Патент на корисну модель №106291, МПК (2016.01): G01F 1/00; G01F 25/00; F04D 13/00; F04D 25/00; F04D 27/00. Заявл.30.09.2015; Опубл. 25.04.2016, Бюл. №8.- 4 с. Андріїшин Н.М., Афанасьєв О.П., Балабай О.П., Козлов В.В., Чернишенко О.М., Щупак І.В.

Акустичний резонатор змінної геометрії. Заявка на винахід № а201508393 від 02.09.2015. Україна. МПК(2015.01): F01N 1/02. Кірчу Ф.І., Богданов М.Ю.

Процес діагностування авіаційного газотурбінного двигуна за реєстрованими у експлуатації параметрами робочого процесу. Патент. Зареєстровано 06.06.2016.  Пашаєв А.М., Якушенко О.С., Мірзоєв А.Д., Абдуллаєв П.Ш., Самедов А.С., Мільцов В.Є.

Спосіб діагностування авіаційного турбогвинтового двигуна за параметрами робочого процесу, що реєструються у експлуатації. Пашаєв А.М., Якушенко О.С., Мірзоєв А.Д., Абдуллаєв П.Ш., Самедов А.С., Мільцов В.Є. зареєстровано 09.01.2018

Свідоцтво про реєстрацію авторського права на твір 67244 від 15.08.2016р. Комп’ютерна програма «CrackSkinP». Ігнатович С.Р., Якушенко О.С., Краснопольський В.С.

Свідоцтво про реєстрацію авторського права на твір 28326 від 08.04.2009. Комп’ютерна програма «Програмне забезпечення для моделювання статичних нейронних мереж» Якушенко О.С., Корольов П.В., Мільцов В.Є., Охмакевич В.М., Абдуллаєв П.Ш., Мірзоєв А.Д.


For the last 5 years the department staff has published more than 170 research works in professional research journals. Among them 15 works have been published in the editions registered in Scopus & Web of Science. The staff of department takes active part in the international, Ukrainian and foreign research conferences & congresses. The most significant scientific publications of the department are:

  1. Кулик М. С. Дозвукові газові ежектори вихлопних пристоїв ГТД: монография / [М. С. Кулик, М.І. Архіпов, П.І. Греков та ін.]; під ред. М. С. Кулика. — К. : НАУ, 2013. — 135 с.
  2. Терещенко Ю. М. Аэродинамические факторы влияния на резонансные колебания лопаток компрессоров газотурбинных двигателей / Ю.М. Терещенко, Е.В. Дорошенко, А. Техрани, Дж. Аболхассан заде // Проблемы прочности. -2015. – №5(437). – С.73-81
  3. Терещенко, Ю. М. Влияние густоты решетки аэродинамических профилей на режимы «запирания» течения в межлопаточных каналах / Ю.М. Терещенко, Е. В. Дорошенко, А. Техрани // Восточно–Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2014. – Т. 4, № 7 (70). – P. 30–33.
  4. Терещенко, Ю. М. Влияние угла установки аэродинамических профилей на режимы «запирания» течения в межлопаточных каналах / Ю. М. Терещенко, Е. В. Дорошенко, А. Техрани // Восточно–Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2014. – Т. 5, № 7 (71). – P. 37–41.
  5. Tereshchenko Yu. Numerical study of flow in the stage of axial compressor with different topology of computation grid / Yu. M.Tereshchenko, E.Doroshenko, I.Lastivka, Yu. Yu.Tereshchenko // Eastern-European Jornal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. – №3/7(7). – С. 28-33,
  6. Tereshchenko Yu. Examining the effect of annular injection on the parameters of the axial compressors stage / Yu. M.Tereshchenko, E.Doroshenko, I.Lastivka, Yu. Yu.Tereshchenko // Eastern-European Jornal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. – №5/7(89). – С. 53-58.
  7. Doroshenko E. Calculation of sound power level of tandem axial fan [Text] / E.Doroshenko, Y. Tereshchenko, I. Lastivka, Y. Tereshchenko // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. – V. 6. – N. 5–90. P. 8–12.
  8. Doroshenko, E. Research into aero acoustic characteristics of two-row impellers of the axial compressor / E. Doroshenko, Y. Tereshchenko, I. Lastivka, I. Kudzinovs’ka // EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – V. 2. – N. 8–92. P. 21–24.
  9. Tereshchenko, Y. M. Gas Dynamic Action of Annular Blowing on the Aerodynamic Factors of the Resonance Vibration Excitation of Rotor Blades in a Compressor Stage / Y.M. Tereshchenko, E.V. Doroshenko, Y.Y. Tereshchenko, P.V. Gumenyuk // Strength of Materials. – 2018. -#2. – pp. 1-6. (Web of Science+Scopus)
  10. Kulyk М. Development of data obtaining method for neuron networks learning to gas turbine engines, gas compress units diagnosing/М. Kulyk, P. Abdullayev, O. Yakushenko, O. Popov, A. Mirzoyev, О. Chumak, V. Okhmakevych// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – V. 6. – N. 9–96. P. 55–63.
  11. Богданов М.Ю. Розробка методики розрахунку параметрів комплексного акустичного резонатору/Боданов М.Ю., Кірчу Ф.І.//Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – Харьков : Технологический центр, 2015. – №4/9 (76). – С. 15 – 20.


Dissertations have been prepared & defended for the last 5 years:

Doctors of Engineering:

Doroshenko K.V. Gasdynamic flow control in compressors of gas turbine engines. 2018. Research adviser Yu.M.Tereshchenko


Tehrani Arash. Critical flow modes in compressors of gas turbine engines. 2015. Research supervisor Yu.M.Tereshchenko

Bohdanov M. Y. Method of determining the parameters of the adaptive system of gas-dynamic effect on the separated flow in axial fans stages. 2016. Research supervisor Yu.M.Tereshchenko

Morozova I. V. Improvement of processes in the heat engine combustion chamber by means of electrophysical action on the hydrocarbon fuel. 2016. Research supervisor Yu.M.Tereshchenko

Kyslyak M. I. Method of improving the acoustic characteristics of the fan of turbofan engine. 2018. Research supervisor M.M.Mitrakhovich