Методична література АД та БПЛА

Методичні вказівки до виконання курсової роботи з дисципліни“Аерогідрогазодинаміка” «Авиационные правила часть 25. НОРМЫ ЛЕТНОЙ ГОДНОСТИ САМОЛЕТОВ ТРАНСПОРТНОЙ КАТЕГОРИИ» Метод.рекомендації до виконання практичної роботи “РОЗРАХУНОК ПАРАМЕТРІВ БЕЗПЕЧНОГО ЗЛЬОТУ ЛІТАКА” Практичні заняття з предмету “Безпека польотів” Лабораторный практикум по курсу «Аэрогидрогазодинамика» А.М.Мхитарян. Далi

Specialty of GAP Department

  National Aviation University Aerospace Faculty Department of General and Applied Physics       Department provides the following preparation «Bachelor» Speciality 105 «Aplied physics and nanomaterials» «Master» Speciality 105 «Aplied physics and nanomaterials» Field of expertise 10 «Natural sciences» Далi

The specialty of the Aircraft Design Department

Aircraft Design Department  is the graduating department on: Field of Study: 13 “Mechanical engineering” Speciality: 134 “Aviation and  rocket -space engineering” Educational-professional program “Aircraft Eguipment” Graduated from this specialty get qualification of engineer-designer (in mechanics), researcher in aero and rockets Далi

Physics Educational Laboratory

№ Classroom Characteristic of department laboratories   1. «Computational physics (Computer class)» Computer class is intended for simulating the physical phenomena related to such sections of physics as ”Mechanics”, „Molecular physics and thermodynamics”, ”Electromagnetism”, ”Oscillations and waves”, ”Optics”, ” Quantum Далi

GAP Department Science

Fields of expertise and achievements of department members are associated with the following directions of the modern physics:                       І. soliв state physics physical properties of nanosystems physics of liquid crystals nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, bio-nanomaterials theory of disordered mediums methods Далi